Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I just want to enjoy eating!

Everybody likes enjoying delicious dishes. If I had a chance to taste various dishes, I'm willing to try it.
There are some good points of being a chef. First, they can try to make dishes in their ways. And they will acquire professional knowledge about many ingredients, so they can combine flavor and make it very easily.
However, for me I don't want to be a chef. Because being a chef is that I have to cook as a job. This means every time I cook I should make something special and tasty. But I think this makes me feel underpressured, not just enjoying the dishes. And whenever I try some foods, I would examine what food taste like, which ingredients are used...etc. I'm sure this would be very stressful for me, so I just want to enjoy delicious dishes!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Classification of crime in modern society.

What do you think if you heard about the word ‘Crime’? In these days, newspaper and TV news are full of various crimes which happened yesterday. All of us are already tired because of horrible crimes. However, it doesn’t mean we can ignore what media reports. That’s because new type of crimes are appearing. Because these new crimes are not only dangerous to people but harmful to society, so we need to classify and recognize the dangerousness about two types of crimes.

In past days, almost reported crimes were related to physical violence. In general, these crimes usually cause physical injury. So when we think about the physical crime, most of us imagine some weapons, blood or wounded victims. Such as firearm accidents, assaults, slaughters and vandalism can be included in this type of crimes. This type of crime is very harmful because it can cause loss of someone’s life.

However, as societies are segmentalized, some criminals who have high knowledge have begin to take advantage of their intellectual assets. They are usually white collars and high educated. Their work and income are also stable. So it seems like there are no reasons for them to commit a crime. The only one thing they don’t have is morality. With moral hazard, they commit serious crimes such as bribery, embezzlement or industrial spy. These crimes are as harmful as the before types of crimes. They don’t have threating to life, but these crimes can destroy rules of society. And the fact that if intellectual crimes are succeeds, these crimes can be imitated in many ways is also unignorable.

We cannot help omitting serious crimes when we discuss society and we all know that crimes will not disappear in society. We also can’t prevent criminal from committing a crime. However we can reduce the number of crimes. By perceiving morality as a major tool, we can come up to bright society and prevent new type of crimes from happening. If we don’t, nobody knows that new types of horrible crime will appear.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The toughest but unforgettable flight travel.

Every flight travel that I have experienced was joyful except just one time. Since my first flight, going to the airport has been really exciting. Because all of them were for my holidays, so I always had felt great thrill. I’m majoring in air logistics, so experiencing various airports all over the world had been also great opportunity to broaden my perspective. Of course, all of them were smooth actually.

Before this trip to the United States, I didn’t have to concern about the weight of suitcase. Because my travel was only for 2 weeks travel at the longest. However, at that time I had to pack my suitcase with items which I need for 1 year! It was really hard to fit the weight condition. So even in the morning on departure, I was packing my luggage. Finally I finished my pack roughly, and I left my house to the airport with my parents.

At the check in desk, something I had been worrying happened. There was a family next to my check in desk and they were arguing with a staff about the extra charge because of their luggage weight. They kept asking why they had to pay the extra charge and the staff at the check in desk was also explaining the reason. And I knew that if the luggage overweight slightly, they don’t impose the charge, but my luggage weighed over 28kg. Because of this ugly atmosphere, I was preparing for paying the extra charge. However a staff who checked my luggage was keeping silent while she was working. Then she tagged my luggage without any mention! At that moment, our eyes met and my face was expressing somewhat anxious. Then she was holding her index finger on her lips with a light smile. And then she gave my boarding pass and told me. “Next time, you should make it”

After over 13 hours, I arrived at Detroit airport to transfer. I was really tired because it was my first time to travel over 10 hours by airplane. An incident happened there. Actually, I already knew that I had to put my liquid material which I had bought at the Incheon airport in the check-in luggage at Detroit airport.  However, at then I was too hectic because I had very short transit time. Undoubtedly, after I picked up my luggage I sent it without unpacking. After I found out this mistake, my luggage already was carrying to the airplane. So I was obliged to check in my carry on suit case with liquid material or throw the liquid things out. At then, I approached the transfer desk and asked. However, a staff said she would check in my carry on suitcase without any charge. At then she had a poker face but for me, she looked like an angel! 

If I have had to pay the extra charge for both of them, it wouldn’t have cost that much. However, two staffs who I met in this flight travel gave me the nice impression of the airline and I could begin life in the United States with feeling good. I’m not sure I would have another flight travel for long stay like this time, but memory of this flight travel I’ve had will last long.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Changes of Korean's Diet

How many times do you have a meal in your house? When was the last time you have dinner with your family? According to statistics, the rice consumption of Korean has dropped annually. The consumption was 120kg in 1990 but now 2012, Korean consume just 70kg. Why does this happen and what result was caused of this phenomenon?

On this story, most of all we can’t omit the McDonaldization. McDonaldization means the food culture of a country is becoming governed by global fast food restaurant. Only in 25 years, the food culture of Korea totally has changed by many kinds of fast food restaurant like McDonalds, KFC and Pizza Hut etc. It has been encroaching not only the young but also the old. If you get out of your house, you can meet various fast food restaurants every block. Now, we have a lot of things to choose. In this situation, Korean doesn’t need to obsess about rice.

The change of lifestyle is also a crucial factor to decreasing rice consumption. The introduction of 5 days work a week has changed Korean’s lifestyle. People who have time than ever often travel on weekend. And people who enjoy camping increase rapidly in these days. As they enjoy their leisure, they need something to eat easily. Since they don’t have much time to cook and prepare nice dishes for their travel, they buy food which can be eaten outside. That is, instant and frozen food like noodles, pizza and salad, become the most popular food for traveler.

As a result, Korean consumes rice the lowest in history. As society modernizes, it is natural that if they can, people find something simple and easy to get. Of course, there are a lot of benefits of modern dietary habit. We can save our time in preparing for a meal and we can enjoy the food on moving. We also can adjust nutrients what we need easily by buying cooked nutritious food.   On the other hand, we have to pull through lots of things related to our dietary habit. First, as most of us may know, the rate of obesity is increasing rapidly. Furthermore, not only the rate of obesity is increasing, but also because of high fat dietary, the change of hormones affects our body in bad ways. Korean suffering from atopic dermatitis and precocious puberty is increasing. And the economic difficulties of rice farm also have been on the rise.

Nowadays, everybody knows that we cannot live anymore only with a traditional meal what we ate in the past. The fast food is essential of our life and we can’t avoid the flow. However, the one thing we can handle is what food we are going to eat. What are you going to eat? Junk food? or modernized nutritious food? It’s on your choice.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Hello. I'm daehyeon from South Korea.
I'm a student and majoring in logistics, especially in air logistics.
I've been here for a month and I'm enjoying the nice weather of Chicago in these days.
I live in Rogers park near Evanston(It's pretty far from Intrax, but I like my neighbor because it's close to Evanston)
And I'd like to hang out with many friends in our class soon!

My partners are Melody and William.
All of us found that eating is really easy for us. Especially, we all like eating spice foods.
I'm not sure but maybe that's because we all are from Asia!
And acutally we all like oversleeling on holidays and really hate waking up early in the morning(Who doesn't??)
We all agree that we are very kind to person who we first met. and most of all, all of us like friends who can understand us, but don't like dishonest people.
So If you are a person who is kind and is into eating something delicious, we could be good friends!
(I'm sure all of you are kind and like eating many kinds of foods!)

Ah! but there is another something that we found in common.
It is that we have similar pet hates. Actually, we don't like pet!
I know that the 'pet hates' doesn't related to pet, but literally, we don't like pet..
Especially for me, I'm sorry for my friends who have really cute pets, but I'm afraid of all sorts of animal...